Have you heard all the hype about cold brew coffee? It’s starting to pop up in trendy coffee shops and farmer’s markets everywhere. Even Starbucks is now marketing their cold brew coffee. Have you ever noticed how much more expensive it is than regular brewed coffee? Ridiculous. There’s no need to pay extra for this simple summer treat. Cold brew is delicious and super easy to make at home!
Summer is a perfect time for a chilled coffee treat, but cold brew coffee can even be enjoyed hot, and many people only drink cold brew coffee.
If you’re wondering why, it’s pretty simple. It tastes better. Cold brewed coffee is less acidic and bitter while being more flavorful. The slower extraction rate produces a mellow, naturally sweet cup of coffee. Yum.
I have some friends that prefer a hot cup of java yet they still make a big batch of cold brew coffee, keep it in the fridge and just nuke a cup at a time. Unlike a traditionally brewed coffee that get more and more bitter the longer it sits, cold brew coffee remains fresh and tasting great for up to 2 weeks! That’s a huge time-saver for our busy mornings.
Want to make a batch to try? It’s super easy. Here’s my super simple recipe:
1 part coarse ground coffee (French press grind)
4 parts cold water
Wooden spoon
Add coarsely ground coffee to French press pot. Pour in water and use a long wooden spoon to stir coffee grounds. Place top on French press. Wait a minimum of 8 hours, and up to 24 hours and then press down. Pour and enjoy over ice, or with a bit of milk and sugar.
Cold brew produces a nice strong coffee so it usually requires a bit of dilution – either over ice cubes, or with milk. If you prefer hot, black coffee, you might find that you need to add a bit of water to get a less intense flavor.
Note: My French press pot has a really fine filter, so just pressing and pouring it works for me. If your filter isn’t as fine, you can pour through a coffee filter to remove more of the silt/grinds if needed.
I do not have a french press and now I feel I am lacking a crucial piece of cookware because I drink cold coffee by the liter
I never realised it was that straight forward! My partner adores cold brew- so I may have to buy another french press to be able to switch between the two!
Hmmm. The second I read “coffee” in your headline, I just had to click. I am in love with coffee (cold brewed is my fav!) Thank you for sharing.
This is interesting..now I need a French press. Shall hang on for sometime. Nice post
I am a coffee lover but I am lacking with the french press.
I have always tried hot coffee, but now I think I should try your recipe of Cold Brew Coffee. Thanks for sharing this post.
One of my favourite topics, coffee. Thanks I will be trying out your tips very soon
You had me at coffee! Thanks for sharing this recipe.. Especially in the summer, I much prefer iced coffee but I am too intimidated to make it myself. This… This I could maybe accomplish on my own :).
I learned a lot! Thanks for the post.
I got a cold brewer from Pampered Chef and love it. It definitely tastes better!
So, the ratio is 1:4? How much do you make at a time? I’m thinking 1 cup coffee grounds and 4 cups water, but that seems like a helluva lot of coffee grounds!
Yes, but remember, this makes a concentrated brew. So when you go to drink it, you might want to dilute it a bit to your liking.