Inside: My review of flying Lufthansa Business Class with kids.
So, I recently wrote about my husband, the “travel hacker” and gave you all an inside peek into what it’s like being married to a travel hacker.
Truth be told, travel hacking can be a ton of work and effort and it’s not all fun and games and free hotel stays.
And there certainly is an upside to learning this fun (and addictive) hobby, so I decided to share a sneak peek into what it’s like to travel as a travel hacker.
Ready to get started?
Here’s what it’s like to fly Lufthansa Business Class (with kids)
One of the things that gets discussed frequently is whether or not kids should be allowed to fly on business class flights. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I can totally see both sides. For me, I feel good about taking my little one on a business class flight because she’s well behaved and at five years old, understands our behavior expectations. As parents, we know our kids best, and if you have doubts on how your child might behave, it’s best to follow your gut.
Related: Is An Alaskan Cruise Suitable for Children?
Flying Lufthansa Business Class With Kids – Our Review
The experience of flying business class starts long before you get on that plane. Are you familiar with the magical world of airport lounges? These private, quiet lounges are the perfect place to get a few minutes of peace and quiet, have a delicious glass of wine, and munch on nibbles before you board your flight.
How do you get access to an airport lounge?
Ask any travel hacker and this is what they’ll say- in order to get access to an airport lounge, you will need to do one of the following:
- Buy a day pass (these are expensive)
- Access through a private membership (membership can be purchased or a fun credit card perk!)
- Buy a business class or first class plane ticket.
After our quick check in process (Lufthansa Business class passengers have their own check in line) we breezed through security (did you know that many elite credit cards offer TSA pre-check as a perk?!) and headed STRAIGHT for the airport lounge.
What’s so great about an airport lounge anyway?
I’m glad you asked!
Hanging out in an airport lounge is one of my FAVORITE perks!
The little one grabbed a few snacks – olives, cookies, cheese cubes, crunchy veggies and fruit and found a comfy chair.
We were happy to see so many charging stations and places to plug in. We took full advantage and charged up our phones, laptop and iPad.
Our little one got a few stares from the business flyers, but we had already had “the talk” with her and explained she needed to be on her best behavior.
We had packed her a backpack FULL of books, crayons, coloring books, a travel journal and lots of stickers and knew she’d be occupied, happy, and quiet.
(Parenting tip: THESE are great to pack for flights because they won’t roll off a tray table!)
I poured a glass of wine for my myself, grabbed a magazine off the rack, and settled in.
Meanwhile, my husband walked around exploring.
A couple minutes later, he rushed back to tell me that he had spotted a made-to-order GUACAMOLE station.
He was in heaven, and so was I. The only thing better than guacamole is when you get to make it to order. Yes!
In all honesty, the jury is out on who loves guacamole the most between the three of us.
We took turns grabbing some guac. Oh yeah, and some refills on our beverages.
Did I mention all the snacks and drinks are complimentary in the lounge?
Flying business class certainly has its perks!
We tried really hard not to fill up on chips and guac because we knew we were going to be in for a real treat on board.
We’d heard stories about the yummy food they serve during the flight and we couldn’t wait to sample everything!
Lufthansa Business Class – Onboard Experience
When it was time for us to get onboard, we were allowed to be seated first.
We walked into the plane, and instead of turning right and finding our seats in economy, as usual, we got to turn left into the private business class seating area.
The seats were spacious and super comfy.
Each came outfitted with a pillow, blanket, and headset.
They seats were arranged in a 2 x 2 x 2 configuration, which meant my husband was the odd man out and had to sit across the aisle from us.
He didn’t seem to mind.
At 6’1 – he can never find a good spot for his legs and he was thrilled to be able to fully stretch out comfortably in his seat.
Meanwhile, the little one had found the complimentary amenity kits and immediately dug in.
Inside was a variety of things, including a pair of warm fuzzy socks, a toothbrush and tooth paste, lip balm, some assorted creams and lotions, etc.
She looked a bit disappointed at all the practical items that the kit included and packed it all back up.
Almost immediately, our flight attendant stopped by with an amenity kit that was a little better suited for kids.
The kiddie version included a coloring book, colored pencils, a puzzle, lots of stickers, playing cards, and other interesting things to occupy her.
In addition to all the things for her to play with, we also had personal tv’s with lots of movies, tv shows, and music to peruse during the flight.
It was great to see all the available kid-friendly options!
A few moments after we were seated, our flight attendant stopped by to offer us a glass of water, juice, or sparkling wine.
My husband and I opted for the sparkling wine, and the little one chose some juice. She was so in love with the fancy wine glass.
It’s the #littlethings, right?
My whole family settled in with our drinks, comfy seats, and inflight entertainment and waited for the rest of the plane to board. We knew dinner service would start soon after we took off and we couldn’t wait!
Flying Lufthansa Business Class – Food Review
When it was time for dinner service, we pulled out our trays and the flight attendants covered the tray tables with white linen napkins and silverware. My daughter thought eating on a plane was the most fun thing ever!
They started out by bringing hot towels. They opened my daughter’s towel and shook it slightly to cool a bit before handing it off which I really appreciated. Everyone on board really went out of their way to pay special attention to her and it made my heart melt.
To start, they took our cocktail orders and passed out some water, wine, and salted nuts as an aperitif. I felt super fancy. I don’t know why I don’t start all my meals at home with a glass of wine and some salted nuts, but I think I might have to.
Next, they passed out our menus. OMG everything sounded SO good.
We had NOT preordered a child’s meal for our daughter, and our flight attendant came over to us a bit worried about what she would eat. Lufthansa allows you to preorder a kid-friendly meal option, but we had opted to stick with the regular menu.
I let our attendant know that this was not an oversight and that our little one liked everything and we figured she’d enjoy the adult menu more than a child’s menu.
Please note that kid-friendly options CAN be ordered in advance, along with a variety of special diet meals (gluten free, kosher, halal, vegetarian, etc)
My husband and I both opted for the Marinated Shrimp and Bay Scallop appetizer and it was SO GOOD! I really didn’t have high hopes for this because, well, I was on an airplane, but it truly was fine dining quality. I loved the presentation of the food – everything was beautiful and felt fancy pants!
Our daughter opted for the Cuban Beef with Squash Slaw and Chimichurri Sauce. I snuck a bite. It was delicious! She wasn’t totally sure what to make of a green sauce, but she tried it and loved it so much she stole my bread so she could sop it all up.
For our entrees, all three of us opted for the Grilled Dry Rub Beef Filet. It came with veggies, rice, and some delicious sauces.
I’ll admit I was suspicious of how great a steak on an airplane could be, but to be honest, I was pretty blown away.
It was cooked perfectly! Lufthansa KILLED it. I’m pretty sure they cooked it better than I could have which is both embarrassing and awe-inspiring.
For dessert, we ordered the Haagen-dazs Dulce de Leche ice cream.
After dinner, we spent some time reading, watching movies and relaxing. The five year old was the first to give up and get ready for bed.
I helped her set her chair up in the “lay flat” position, covered her with a blanket and within 2 minutes, she was fast asleep.
No joke – she didn’t wake up again until it was time for breakfast! Those “lay flat” seats are amazing!
She probably would have continued sleeping as she was ridiculously comfortable, but breakfast was worth waking up for.
We dug into the amenity kits and pulled out the toothbrushes and toothpaste, washed our faces in the bathroom and settled in for breakfast.
The breakfast served consisted of coffee, fresh juice, a flaky croissant, fruit, granola, yogurt and some prosciutto and cheese.
It was definitely a European style breakfast. I took a bite of everything to try, but I wasn’t super hungry after our big dinner just a few hours ago.
The little one ate all the berries, the tomato, cheese and prosciutto and part of the croissant.
She’s not a big eater in the morning usually, so that tells you how yummy and fresh everything was!
Please note – you will NOT be hungry on a Lufthansa business class flight! So many delicious things everywhere.
Lufthansa Business Class with Kids – Final Thoughts
My whole family enjoyed Lufthansa’s business class product. We appreciated the extra service steps they took to make my daughter feel welcomed and special. The food was incredible, the seats were spectacularly comfy, and the in-flight entertainment was top notch.
Given the option, we’d definitely opt for another business class flight with Lufthansa.
At the end of the day, we had an awesome experience, largely because (thanks to travel hacking!) we were able to exchange our credit card points for the flight.
I’m not sure I would have wanted to spend thousands on the flight, but the beauty of this hobby is that you don’t have to.
Curious to compare the business class experience to their economy product? Check out this detailed review, complete with tips for getting the most out of your trip!
Happy travels!
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What a lovely trip! I am glad your daughter had fun and I’ll remember to bring stickers on a long flight.
Looks great. Everyone looks happy and that’s the main thing.
It’s so nice to come across a flight review – the food and menu looks amazing. So sweet that your daughter enjoyed it too.
I love traveling with her. She’s as obsessed as her mom and dad, lol!!
Ok your 5 year old seems much calmer than mine! He *knows* how to act on a plane, but that doens’t mean he cares! UGH. And my 1 year old is worse! haha! We will be sticking to economy for now!!
Looks great! Good to know that this airline can be trusted. Hope you had a fantastic trip 😀
Wonderful review! Thank you for sharing about your experience with your daughter. My little one is only one and I enjoy reading about when other families start doing things like this with their kids.
Wow that looks like an awesome experience!!! I really enjoyed my flight last time I went to Europe and that was just economy class!
My pic of K with the fancy orange juice glass is so adorable!
I can never sleep on planes so those seats would be amazing but I don’t want to pay the extra $! I say that as my flight to Italy is impending which means I’ll be sleep deprived when I arrive as usual haha.